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The SERUM Points System: practical example!

Writer: Lauriane P.Lauriane P.

Now that you know the importance of learning by doing, and the main principles of the SERUM system, let's see how to make it yours!

Opportunities for French touches

(Remember: you choose your own adventure!)

Morning walk or commute time!

- Listen to a French podcast or a new song. + 1 point
!! You need to engage actively: you try to understand new words of the song (help from Spotify lyrics is welcome!) ; you are consciously listening to the podcast (asking where you put yourself in what you are hearing: is it new knowledge? do you agree with what is being said? Is this person a reliable source of information?)
-Say hi to your bus driver in French, do some chit chat + 2 points
-Dropping off your kids at school? Interact with their teachers/caregivers in French + 2 points
-Order your latte to your barista in French + 2 points

Couple of hours later...

Time for French class!

You are active in class: listen, ask questions, do exercices, try to make them yours by adding personal variations. + 2 points

Couple of hours later...

Lunch time!

- Small talk in French with your colleagues: what you've watched yesterday, the weather, how long this last meeting was... + 2 points
Attention: small talk for 3 minutes (if you're going for a B level), 6 or more minutes (if you're going for a C level). Then you can turn back in English! Good job!
- You have turned your Delivery app in French: now you can read and choose what to order in French + 1 point

Couple of hours later...

After work hours!

- Doing some sport? Choose a team/a coach/a studio with French speakers + 2 points
- Picking up your kids at school? Interact with their teachers/caregivers in French + 2 points
- Doing some groceries? Read the labels in French + 1 point
- Coming to our Conversation Workshops? Amazing!  + 2 points
- Just going home? Turn your GPS in French + 1 point
- Homework time!  + 1 point

Couple of hours later...

Dinner time?

- You listen to a French radio / watch a French show + 1 point
- You follow a French recipe (the instructions have to be in French!) / You have selected "French" on the language of your food box subscription (HelloFresh, GoodFood...) + 1 point
- You text to your French friend + 1 point
- You send a vocal to your French friend  +2 points

Couple of hours later...

Relax time!

- Socials: whatever exists in the English part of Insta and TikTok exists in French. Guaranteed!
[follow us: we gather some good French content for you]  
Watch 10 minutes of videos (with captions if needed) + 1 point
Drop three comments on some videos + 1 point
- Streaming: Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney + exist in French: create a French profile and enjoy the French content of your streaming services. + 1 point
- You are a reader? If you are low energy, go with a comic! We have a big culture of grown up comics in France, check your local library!) + 1 point
- You journal? write a paragraph in French  + 1 point
- You meditate? Turn Headspace into French, look for some "méditation" on Youtube + 1 point


Remember the SERUM formula?

You need to collect activities that are:
Mixed: reception and production

Let's see what's brewing for a good day and also for a bad day!

Case study 1: French for a good day!
Let's say you are currently learning French: your goal is to hit 5-8 French touches
It is a nice sunny Tuesday in May, and you don't have French class today:
-Listen to a French podcast in your commute (1point): enjoyable.
-Chit chat with your colleague or a friend at lunch (2 points): social, enjoyable
-Scroll on your French Socials (1 point) and leave 3 comments (1 point): social, repetitive
-Do some homework (+1point): repetitive, unavoidable
-Journal at the end of the day (+1point) : enjoyable, repetitive.

=> You've hit every SERUM point, you had a mix of reception and production activities, for a total of 7 touches!!
A very good day for your French!


Case study 2: realistic French for a bad day!
Let's say you are currently learning French: your goal is to hit 5-8 French touches.
It is a rainy Wednesday in November, you didn't sleep well, outside will be pitch-black at 4pm, you have French class today (good luck!!):
-Scroll on your French Socials  for 10 minutes (1 point): enjoyable, repetitive
-Go to French class (+2 points): social, unavoidable.
-Order some food on your Frenchified delivery app for Lunch (+1point): unavoidable, enjoyable.
-an easy TV show in French (+1point): enjoyable, repetitive (multiple episodes during the week) [need ideas? Check out the Unboring French Objects section!]

=> You've hit every SERUM point, you had a mix of reception and production activities, for a total of 5 touches!!

Still a pretty good day for your French!


Now, aim to hit your SERUM goals most days.

Remember: consistency is key, but consistency doesn't mean perfection. If you don't hit your SERUM points one day, it's ok, just try to hit them the next day!

Be kind to yourself, always.



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