Now that you know the importance of learning by doing, and the main principles of the SERUM system, let's see how to make it yours!
Opportunities for French touches
(Remember: you choose your own adventure!)
Morning walk or commute time!
- Listen to a French podcast or a new song. + 1 point
!! You need to engage actively: you try to understand new words of the song (help from Spotify lyrics is welcome!) ; you are consciously listening to the podcast (asking where you put yourself in what you are hearing: is it new knowledge? do you agree with what is being said? Is this person a reliable source of information?)
-Say hi to your bus driver in French, do some chit chat + 2 points
-Dropping off your kids at school? Interact with their teachers/caregivers in French + 2 points
-Order your latte to your barista in French + 2 points
Couple of hours later...
Time for French class!
You are active in class: listen, ask questions, do exercices, try to make them yours by adding personal variations. + 2 points
Couple of hours later...
Lunch time!
- Small talk in French with your colleagues: what you've watched yesterday, the weather, how long this last meeting was... + 2 points
Attention: small talk for 3 minutes (if you're going for a B level), 6 or more minutes (if you're going for a C level). Then you can turn back in English! Good job!
- You have turned your Delivery app in French: now you can read and choose what to order in French + 1 point
Couple of hours later...
After work hours!
- Doing some sport? Choose a team/a coach/a studio with French speakers + 2 points
- Picking up your kids at school? Interact with their teachers/caregivers in French + 2 points
- Doing some groceries? Read the labels in French + 1 point
- Coming to our Conversation Workshops? Amazing! + 2 points
- Just going home? Turn your GPS in French + 1 point
- Homework time! + 1 point
Couple of hours later...
Dinner time?
- You listen to a French radio / watch a French show + 1 point
- You follow a French recipe (the instructions have to be in French!) / You have selected "French" on the language of your food box subscription (HelloFresh, GoodFood...) + 1 point
- You text to your French friend + 1 point
- You send a vocal to your French friend +2 points
[you might want to read: develop chosen social interaction in French]
Couple of hours later...
Relax time!
- Socials: whatever exists in the English part of Insta and TikTok exists in French. Guaranteed!
[follow us: we gather some good French content for you]
Watch 10 minutes of videos (with captions if needed) + 1 point
Drop three comments on some videos + 1 point
- Streaming: Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney + exist in French: create a French profile and enjoy the French content of your streaming services. + 1 point
- You are a reader? If you are low energy, go with a comic! We have a big culture of grown up comics in France, check your local library!) + 1 point
- You journal? write a paragraph in French + 1 point
- You meditate? Turn Headspace into French, look for some "méditation" on Youtube + 1 point
Remember the SERUM formula?
