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At Fais-le en français, we believe that learning a language and passing a test are two different kinds of art.

While students definitely need to reach some level of proficiency in French before presenting themselves to the exam, we know how stressful and sometimes cruel attempting to pass the SLE can be. 

Nothing that a good preparation can't fix !

Being a young Ottawa-based company, lead by experimented teachers who are also interested in research allow us to truly understand the struggle while being accurately reactive to it.This is why we are constantly conceiving, testing and proofing news ways for students to prepare themselves for the test.

 SLE preparation doesn't have to be a draining process, repeating itself every five year for your entire career!

Thanks to our past few years of experimentation and the success of our students, we are proud to offer two innovative solutions specially designed to make you pass the SLE :

- a never failing strategy for written exams (reading and grammar) in the Get Ready for SLE.

- an environment to perform your answers to the oral test with helpful feedback, help building your cheat sheets collection and some much needed companionship!- in our Duo Class.

- our own very special full time option for packing up all your chances on your side prior your Oral exam !

Our method is meant to bring you a good sense of how the SLE works and what is expected of you the day of the test. You will become a machine at passing the test!

Duo Classes

For students preparing the oral tests B/C.

Get Ready for SLE

For students preparing the written tests: reading & grammar

Full time

For students preparing the oral C.

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